Interior Orthodic
Your Right Fit Pad has an interior orthotic sandwiched between the top and bottom layers
to support your saddle and keep it level and minimize interference with your horses movement. This orthotic can be made in any size and length necessary to allow your saddle to fit better than an ordinary saddle pad would.
Your saddle pad is 1/2" thick before you add your orthotic.
Pressure relief can be cut into the orthotic to relieve saddle tree pressure over the shoulders (under the swells) if needed.
Choices available are:
Wool 1/4", 1/2", 3/4" Closed Cell Foam: 1/4", 1/2", 3/4"
You may add 1/4" to 1/2" layer of memory foam to your pad on the top or bottom of your primary orthotic at an additional cost of $50.00. This option is generally used for thin horses, old horses or horses with chronic topline soreness or roach backs.
Please contact me so I can assist you